On a Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem


  • Svetlana Tarashnina Saint Petersburg State University
  • Yaroslavna Pankratova Saint Petersburg State University
  • Aleksandra Purtyan Saint Petersburg State University


In this paper we consider a dynamic traveling salesman problem
(DTSP) in which n objects (the salesman and m customers) move on a
plane with constant velocities. Each customer aims to meet the salesman as
soon as possible. In turn, the salesman aspires to meet all customers for the
minimal time. We formalize this problem as non-zero sum game of pursuit
and find its solution as a Nash equilibrium. Finally, we give some examples
to illustrate the obtained results.


dynamic traveling salesman problem, non-zero sum game, Nash equilibrium


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How to Cite

Tarashnina, S., Pankratova, Y., & Purtyan, A. (2022). On a Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 10. Retrieved from https://gametheory.spbu.ru/article/view/13266


