Differential Game of Pollution Control with Overlapping Generations


  • Stefan Wrzaczek Vienna University of Technology; Vienna Institute of Demography
  • Ekaterina Shevkoplyas Saint-Petersburg State University
  • Sergey Kostyunin Saint-Petersburg State University


We formulate an overlapping generations model on optimal emissions with continuous age-structure. We compare the non-cooperative solution to the cooperative one and obtain fundamental differences in the optimal strategies. Also including an altruistic motive does not avoid the problem of the myopic non-cooperative solution. Finally we define a time-consistent tax scheme to obtain the cooperative solution in the non-cooperative case.


differential game, overlapping generations, pollution, Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle, Nash equilibrium


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How to Cite

Wrzaczek, S., Shevkoplyas, E., & Kostyunin, S. (2023). Differential Game of Pollution Control with Overlapping Generations. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 5, 310–320. Retrieved from https://gametheory.spbu.ru/article/view/14634


