A Differential Game-Based Approach to Extraction of Exhaustible Resource with Random Terminal Instants


  • Sergey Kostyunin Saint Petersburg State University
  • Arsen Palestini Sapienza University of Rome
  • Ekaterina Shevkoplyas Saint Petersburg Sate University


We investigate a noncooperative differential game in which two firms compete in extracting a unique nonrenewable resource over time. The respective times of extraction are random and after the first firm finishes extraction, the remaining one continues and gets the final reward for winning. An example is introduced where the optimal feedback strategy, i.e. the optimal extraction rate, is calculated in a closed form.


Differential game, exhaustible resources, random terminal time, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation


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How to Cite

Kostyunin, S., Palestini, A., & Shevkoplyas, E. (2023). A Differential Game-Based Approach to Extraction of Exhaustible Resource with Random Terminal Instants. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 5, 147–155. Retrieved from https://gametheory.spbu.ru/article/view/14319


