Cooperation in Transportation Game


  • Anna V. Melnik Saint Petersburg State University


We consider a game-theoretic model of competition and cooperation of transport companies on a graph. First, a non-cooperative n-person game which is related to the queueing system MMn is considered. There are n competing transport companies which serve the stream of passengers with exponential distribution of time with parameters µ i)i = 1,2,..., n respectively on the graph of routes. The stream of passengers from a stop k to another stop t forms the Poisson process with intensity λ kt . The transport companies announce the prices for the service on each route and the passengers choose the service with minimal costs. The incoming stream λ kt is divided into Poisson flows with intensities λ i) kt i = 1,2,..., n. The problem of pricing for each player in the competition and cooperation is solved.


Duopoly, equilibrium prices, queueing system


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How to Cite

V. Melnik, A. (2022). Cooperation in Transportation Game. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 8. Retrieved from


