Minimax Estimation of Value-at-Risk under Hedging of an American Contingent Claim in a Discrete Financial Market


  • Alexey I. Soloviev Lomonosov Moscow State University


The game problems between seller and buyer of an American contingent claim relate to large scale problems because a number of buyer's strategies grows overexponentially. Therefore, decomposition of such games turns out to be a fundamental problem. In this paper we prove the existence of a minimax monotonous (in time) strategy of the seller in a loss minimization problem considering value-at-risk measure of loss. The given result allows to substantially decrease a number of constraints in the original problem and lets us turn to an equivalent mixed integer problem with admissible dimension.


decision making under uncertainty, value-at-risk, scenario tree, stopping time, hedging



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How to Cite

I. Soloviev, A. (2022). Minimax Estimation of Value-at-Risk under Hedging of an American Contingent Claim in a Discrete Financial Market. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 9. Retrieved from


