An Axiomatization of the Myerson Value


  • Özer Selçuk Tilburg University
  • Takamasa Suzuki Tilburg University


TU-games with communication structure are cooperative games with transferable utility where the cooperation between players is limited by a communication structure represented by a graph on the set of players. On this class of games, the Myerson value is one of the most well-known solutions and it is the Shapley value of the so-called restricted game. In this study we give another form of fairness axiom on the class of TU-games with communication structure so that the Myerson value is uniquely characterized by this fainess axiom with (component) efficiency, a kind of null player property and additivity. The combination is similar to the original characterization of the Shapley value.


Cooperative TU-games, communication structure, Myerson value, Shapley value


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How to Cite

Selçuk, Özer, & Suzuki, T. (2022). An Axiomatization of the Myerson Value. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 7. Retrieved from


