Strategic Alliances Stability Factors


  • Nikolay Zenkevich Saint Petersburg State University
  • Anastasiia Reusova Saint Petersburg State University


The article extends the line of research on strategic alliance stability, which has been studied widely in the academic literature for the past decades. Contrary to the majority of existing papers, this study adopts a multi-dimensional view on strategic alliance stability, and differentiates between two major stability components: internal and external stability. Direct and indirect effects of trust, resource complementarity and partners' long-term orientation on external and internal stability were studied in the paper. Using structural equation modeling (SEM) as an empirical method, the research shows that (1) internal stability is positively influenced by trust and resource complementarity, while (2) external stability is positively affected by partners' long-term orientation. Moreover, (3) the study supported a hypothesis about a positive relationship between external and internal stability.


strategic alliance stability, internal stability, external stability, trust, long-term orientation, resource complementarity


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How to Cite

Zenkevich, N., & Reusova, A. (2022). Strategic Alliances Stability Factors. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 10. Retrieved from




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