Design and Simulation of Coopetition as Lead Generating Mechanism


  • Maxim Shlegel Saint Petersburg State University
  • Nikolay Zenkevich Saint Petersburg State University


This paper considers coopetition as form of interaction between companies and agents. As the method to analyse coopetition internet-based platform is used and modeled. The most important part of the research is simulation of lead-generation internet-based platform. As a result, potential industrial impact that can be caused by a lead generating internet platform-based coopetition among companies, which operate in one industry.


coopetition, internet-based platform, lead generation, agent- based simulation


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How to Cite

Shlegel, M., & Zenkevich, N. (2022). Design and Simulation of Coopetition as Lead Generating Mechanism. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 10. Retrieved from




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