On Polytope of (0-1)-normal Big Boss Games: Redundancy and Extreme Points


  • Alexandra B. Zinchenko Southern Federal University


The system of non redundant constraints for polytope of monotonic (0-1)-normal big boss games is obtained. The explicit representation of some types of extreme points of this polytope as well as the corresponding Shapley and consensus values formulas are given. We provide the characterization of extreme elements of set of such monotonic (0-1)-normal big boss games that all weak players are symmetric.


cooperative game, big boss game, (0-1)-normal form, extreme points, Shapley value, consensus value


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How to Cite

Zinchenko, A. B. (2023). On Polytope of (0-1)-normal Big Boss Games: Redundancy and Extreme Points. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 5, 386–397. Retrieved from https://gametheory.spbu.ru/article/view/14950


