Equilibrium Uniqueness Results for Cournot Oligopolies Revisited


  • Pierre von Mouche Wageningen Universiteit
  • Federico Quartieri Universit`a IULM


We revisit and compare equilibrium uniqueness results for homogeneous Cournot oligopolies. In doing this we provide various useful and interesting results for which it is difficult to give appropriate reference in the literature. We also propose problems for future research.


Aggregative game, equilibrium (semi-)uniqueness, Fisher-Hahn conditions, marginal reduction, marginal revenue condition, oligopoly


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How to Cite

von Mouche, P., & Quartieri, F. (2023). Equilibrium Uniqueness Results for Cournot Oligopolies Revisited. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 5, 209–229. Retrieved from https://gametheory.spbu.ru/article/view/14487


