Differential Bargaining Games as Microfoundations for Production Function


  • Vladimir Matveenko National Research University Higher School of Economics


In the present paper the game theory is applied to an important open question in economics: providing microfoundations for often-used types of production function. Simple differential games of bargaining are proposed to model a behavior of workers and capital-owners in processes of formation of possible factor prices and participants' weights (moral-ethical assessments). These games result, correspondingly, in a factor price curve and a weight curve – structures dual to a production function. Ultimately, under constant bargaining powers of the participants, the Cobb-Douglas form of the production function is received.


bargaining, differential games, production factors, choice of technology, duality, production function



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How to Cite

Matveenko, V. (2022). Differential Bargaining Games as Microfoundations for Production Function. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 6. Retrieved from https://gametheory.spbu.ru/article/view/14286




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