Mechanisms of Endogenous Allocation of Firms and Workers in Urban Area: from Monocentric to Polycentric City


  • Alexandr P. Sidorov National Research University the Higher School of Economics


The purpose of paper is to investigate how the interplay of trade, commuting and communication costs shapes economy at both inter-regional and intra-urban level. Specifically, we study how trade affects the internal structure of cities and how decentralizing the production and consumption of goods in secondary employment centers allows firms located in a large city to maintain their predominance. The feature of approach is using of two-dimensional city pattern instead of the “long narrow city” model.


city structure, secondary business center, commuting cost, trade cost, communication cost


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How to Cite

P. Sidorov, A. (2022). Mechanisms of Endogenous Allocation of Firms and Workers in Urban Area: from Monocentric to Polycentric City. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 7. Retrieved from


