Dynamic Nash Bargaining Solution for Two-stage Network Games


  • Junnan Jie Saint Petersburg State University


In this paper, two-stage network games are studied. At first stage of the game players form a network, while at second stage they choose strategies according to the network realized at the first stage. However, there are two kinds of two-stage networks. The first is a special class of two-stage network games when players have the opportunity to revised their network which they formed before. And the second is classical two-stage network. Cooperative setting is considered. In the cooperative case, we use Nash Bargaining Solution as a solution concept. It is demonstrated that the Nash Bargaining Solution satisfies the time consistency property for the special class of two-stage network game. But its not true for a classical two-stage network game.


network, time-consistency, Nash Bargaining solution


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How to Cite

Jie, J. (2022). Dynamic Nash Bargaining Solution for Two-stage Network Games. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 11. Retrieved from https://gametheory.spbu.ru/article/view/13227


