On the Characteristic Function Construction Technique in Differential Games with Prescribed and Random


  • Ekaterina V. Gromova Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (IMM UB RAS); Saint Petersburg State University
  • Ekaterina V. Marova Saint Petersburg State University


This paper focuses on different approaches for calculating characteristic functions in cooperative differential games with prescribed and random duration. We construct  α-, δ- and ζ- characteristic functions and examine their properties in the differential game of pollution control. Additionally, we introduce a new η-characteristic function.


differential games, prescribed duration, random duration, characteristic function, environmental resource management, pollution control


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How to Cite

Gromova, E. V., & Marova, E. V. (2022). On the Characteristic Function Construction Technique in Differential Games with Prescribed and Random. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 11. Retrieved from https://gametheory.spbu.ru/article/view/13226


