The Relationship Between the Board Composition and the Level of IPO Underpricing in Russian Companies


  • Valeriia Levitanus Autonomous Non-commercial Organization of Post-Graduate Professional Education “Sberbank Corporate University”


Traditionally, the phenomenon of IPO underpricing is commonly explored in relation to financial and operational performance metrics. In this study we consider the relationship between the level of IPO underpricing and internal corporate governance mechanisms. We analyze the relationship between the board composition and the level of IPO underpricing in Russian companies, who had undergone an IPO in Russia between 2002 and 2015. Our findings demonstrate that such characteristics of the board diversity as the management experience of executives and the presence of independent directors with outside directorships in company industries or financial sector are negatively associated with IPO underpricing.


Board composition, IPO, underpricing, corporate governance, Russia, board diversity


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How to Cite

Levitanus, V. (2022). The Relationship Between the Board Composition and the Level of IPO Underpricing in Russian Companies. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 12. Retrieved from


