Opinion Control in a Team with Complete and Incomplete Communication


  • Vladimir V. Mazalov Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Saint Petersburg State University
  • Yulia A. Dorofeeva Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Petrozavodsk State University
  • Elena M. Parilina St. Petersburg State University




We examine the influence of management of the opinion of a group members, while the group of agents are considered with different communication structures. We consider the optimization problem in dynamics with feedback information structure. In the model, the communication structure plays an important role since not all agents are directly connected with each other. The influence of the agents on each other is taken into account in the equation of dynamics of agents' opinions. An agent weights the other agents' opinions and after that forms the next step opinion. Two types of communication structures are considered in the model. The results of numerical modeling illustrate the influence of some parameters of the model (control, influence power of agents on each other) on the optimal opinion dynamics.


opinion dynamics, average opinion, feedback optimal control, Bellman function


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How to Cite

Mazalov, V. V., Dorofeeva , Y. A., & Parilina, E. M. (2022). Opinion Control in a Team with Complete and Incomplete Communication. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 13. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu31.2020.17


