Dynamic Cooperative Network Games with Pairwise Interactions


  • Mariia A. Bulgakova Saint Petersburg State University




This article is an overview of results obtained in the field of dynamic network games with pairwise interaction. The paper provides a summary and analysis of works related to two-stage and multistage nonzero-sum games based on pairwise interaction. The meaning of pairwise interaction is to consider the game as a family of games occurring on a network between pairs of players (vertices of a graph) connected to each other by an edge. The network can be set or formed in the first stage. In the paper, solutions of cooperative pairwise interaction games are also considered.


cooperative games, network games, dynamic games, the Shapley value, pairwise interactions, time-consistency


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How to Cite

Bulgakova, M. A. (2022). Dynamic Cooperative Network Games with Pairwise Interactions. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 13. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu31.2020.05


