Stackelberg Tariff Games between Provider, Primary and Secondary Users


  • Mikhail Zolotukhin Saint Petersburg State University
  • Andrey Garnaev Saint Petersburg State University
  • Timo Hämäläinen University of Jyvaskyla


Due to the development of wireless communication technologies and the increase of integrated wireless networks, the problem of spectrum bandwidth management has become a hot research field in recent years. In this paper, we consider this problem as hierarchical game with three types of players: spectrum holder (provider), primary and secondary user. Provider assigns the price for bandwidth resource to maximize its own profit, whereas the primary user tries to find balance between using the bandwidth resource for its own needs and renting spectrum band to secondary users for profit gain. Secondary users can access to the network and transmit their signals by using the spectrum band of the primary user paying for that in proportion to the power of the transmitted signal. For this game the optimal strategies of the players are found. Numerical modelling demonstrates how the equilibrium strategies and corresponding payoffs depend of network parameters.


spectrum market, bandwidth resource, Stackelberg game, power control


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How to Cite

Zolotukhin, M., Garnaev, A., & Hämäläinen, T. (2023). Stackelberg Tariff Games between Provider, Primary and Secondary Users. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 5, 398–411. Retrieved from


