Nash Equilibria in Mixed Stationary Strategies for m-Player Mean Payoff Games on Networks


  • Dmitrii Lozovanu Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of Moldova Academy of Sciences, Academiei 5, Chisinau
  • Stefan Pickl Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, Mathematics and Operations Research, Universität der Bundeswehr München


We consider a class of non-zero-sum mean payoff games on networks that extends the two-player zero-sum mean payoff game introduced by Ehrenfeucht and Mycielski. We show that for the considered class of games there exist Nash equilibria in mixed stationary strategies and propose an approach for determining the optimal strategies of the players.


mean payoff game, pure stationary strategy, mixed stationary strategy, Nash equilibria


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How to Cite

Lozovanu , D., & Pickl, S. (2022). Nash Equilibria in Mixed Stationary Strategies for m-Player Mean Payoff Games on Networks. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 11. Retrieved from


