Multi-objective Optimization Approach to Malfatti’s Problem


  • Rentsen Enkhbat Institute of Mathematics and Digital Technology, Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • Gompil Battur Department of Applied Mathematics, National university of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia



In this work, we consider the multi-objective optimization problem based on the circle packing problem, particularly, extended Malfatti's problem (Enkhbat, 2020) with k disks. Malfatti's problem was examined for the first time from a view point of global optimization theory and algorithm in (Enkhbat, 2016). Also, a game theory approach has been applied to Malfatti's problem in (Enkhbat and Battur, 2021). In this paper, we apply the the multi-objective optimization approach to the problem. Using the weighted sum method, we reduce this problem to optimization problem with nonconvex constraints. For solving numerically the weighted sum optimization problem, we apply KKT conditions and find Pareto stationary points. Also, we estimate upper bounds of the global value of the objective function by Lagrange duality. Numerical results are provided.


circle packing problem, triangle set, k disks, multi-objective optimization problem, upper bound


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How to Cite

Enkhbat, R., & Battur, G. (2021). Multi-objective Optimization Approach to Malfatti’s Problem. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 14, 82–90.




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